Who is ICEpower, and What is Our Vision & Mission?
Audio is in our DNA, and we are lucky enough to work with audio, and every day, we get to amplify some of the most beautiful things in life – Music, communication, and entertainment!
Through engineering excellence and close partnering, we offer customers the highest quality and performance audio products at the best price in the market.
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The Power to Create
ICEpower exists to empower the audio industry to create new, exciting products. Through groundbreaking innovation and world-class knowledge, ICEpower develops and delivers superior sound solutions for the audio industry and end users all over the world – giving creators the tools to do what they do best; excite, thrill, entertain, and tell stories.
ICEpower is a CUSTOMER-centric and PROJECT-focused company. Over the last 20 years, we have built strong competencies, IP, and a large number of technology platforms for Audio Electronics, e.g. within:
- Analog & Digital Hardware
- Software incl. Embedded SW, FW & DSP, and Networking for audio
- Mechanics
In close partnerships, we create innovative and competitive products for the leaders of the audio industry within our focus segments. ICEpower provides our customers competitive advantages by enabling you to bring innovative products to the market faster with low investment and resource load.
Partnering with ICEpower on product creation results in a reduction of our customer’s operational complexity and enables you to stay focused on what truly matters – customers, creators, and communities.
Powerful Audio Solutions to tell your story
Depending on each customer’s specific needs, requirements, and circumstances, there are different ways we can engage in creating solutions for you. We want to deliver powerful audio solutions to tell your story – from a young, aspiring creator to a professional studio providing content for Hollywood.
That is our promise.
In many cases, we have existing platforms or solutions available that meet or come very close to your desired features and performance. In such cases, we can help by providing world-class design-in support, assisting you in developing your product based on one of our many proven Audio Products.
In other cases, we provide a full custom Turnkey, cradle to grave product development, and supply service.
“To become the preferred partner for outsourced product creation
to the leaders of the audio industry.”
ICEpower Management
We strive to be “not just another company” ICEpower is in a wider perspective about trying to establish a culture ‘that sets the individual free’ to create, to accomplish, to grow, to master, to improve, to make results for the benefit of ICEpower and him-/herself. This is our fuel and common denominator across the entire organization, from production to management.
The ICEpower Management Team consists of 5 highly skilled and highly motivated professionals – all having a stake in ICEpower.
Mads Emil Solgaard Hansen
Sales & Marketing Director
Keld Lindegaard Andersen
Lars Press Petersen
Patrik Boström
Karsten Gotved
Director of Operations
Kim Evers-Thomsen
But boy, could he play guitar
ICEpower has close ties to the iconic, Danish high-end consumer electronics company Bang & Olufsen. In 1999, a PhD thesis on efficient, compact Class D amplifiers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) drew the attention of the Bang & Olufsen management. This resulted in a joint venture, which created the foundation for ICEpower A/S. From the start, ICEpower became – not just a department of Bang & Olufsen – but a separate, limited company.
At that time, the practical application of Class D technology to audio was new and generated interest in the audio world. The advantages of high efficiency/high power density amplifiers made possible by the new Class D topology became apparent.
The relationship with Bang & Olufsen enabled ICEpower to quickly become one of the leading companies in the amplification world. Starting in high-end niche markets, ICEpower developed a range of premium quality audio power conversion engines used by some of the world’s most prestigious audio brands. Both within HI-FI and PRO audio brands.
Later, ICEpower was used in automotive platforms for AUDI, Mercedes, Aston Martin, and BMW. Gradually ICEpower built a powerful OEM business, delivering platforms used in low-power systems (e. g., mobile phones) to large-scale pro audio line array systems.
The song remains the same – 2016 and onwards
In 2016, realizing the potential of the business as an independent entity, a management buyout supported by Dansk Ejerkapital (Danish Equity Fund) – a Danish private equity company – allowed ICEpower to finally begin the development of its full potential.
The purpose of Dansk Ejerkapital is to turn SME’s (small and medium enterprises) into larger enterprises. The strategic direction and decisions are made by the management of ICEpower, and the management are also majority shareholders.
One of the first strategic moves of ICEpower in 2016 was to acquire Audio Bricks (Sweden), thereby also getting access to fundamentals from Anaview – a former competitor founded by Patrik Boström. The two founders of Audio Bricks, Patrik Boström and Lars Press Petersen, were well-known to ICEpower. ICEpower had co-operated with both earlier, and Lars held the position as Innovation Manager at ICEpower from 2003-2008.
Besides the Audio Bricks products (now ICEbricks), Patrik Boström and Lars Press Petersen also brought their patents and ODM-business agreements with several semiconductor and A/V companies into ICEpower.
The shareholding managers of ICEpower today are Keld Lindegaard Andersen, CEO, Mads Emil Solgaard Hansen, Sales & Marketing Director, Patrik Boström, CTO, Lars Press Petersen, CTO.
The ICEpower Culture
Many people have experienced joining a company – especially a major organization – and being presented with a ‘these are the company values we have here’ lecture. This is not the way we want to present or manage ICEpower.
People are different – and we all have different values. We believe that it is impossible to design a 1:1 value set between individuals and an employer. This is also true for ICEpower. Does that mean that ICEpower has no values? Not at all – you bet we have!
We strive to be popular in the sense that our customers should think that we are the best possible business partner. Our employees should think that we are the best place to work. Our partners and suppliers should want to go that extra mile in their partnership with us. Owners and investors should think that we are the best possible investment. We want to be ‘cool’ and we want to be ‘awesome’.
We use diversity in a constructive way
ICEpower works 100% globally. That is why it is important that we can establish and nurture relationships across cultures, languages, and ethnicities. We are all equally important – irrespective of where we work for ICEpower. Each employee’s contribution is unique and necessary for the whole company.
We are not employees at ICEpower because we are different but because we possess the human and professional skills that ICEpower needs. Diversity means that differences in method, points of view, expertise, and experience produce a more efficient and successful result.
We strive to be without prejudice. We want to be tolerant and show respect for everyone in our internal and external relationships.
We are proud of our global relationships – of working with ‘the whole world’ and that ‘the whole world wants to work either in ICEpower or with ICEpower. We have employees ‘all over the world and are happy and proud of having established long-term relationships. This is essential for results, value creation, our culture, and job satisfaction.
ICEpower makes its earnings from performing. ICEpower’s employees make their living from performing. We go to work to generate results for ICEpower and for ourselves. Generating results means taking something or someone from one state to another. Human attributes and professional qualifications are the prerequisites for solving problems and working on projects. At ICEpower, qualifications and knowledge are only valuable when put actively into play.
ICEpower makes great demands of its employees as far as performance is concerned – i.e., achieving results. We are here to perform and generate results – big as well as small incremental results in our day-to-day working lives.
We view the relationship between the employee and ICEpower as a win/win situation and a give and take. We want to create an ICEpower in which the results generated for ICEpower by employees positively impact our employees’ careers over time.
Employees may find themselves in situations in which they greatly influence how things affect not only themselves – but the entire or large parts of the company and all their colleagues. This may be in situations involving the completion of important development projects or in situations in which product delivery is critical in certain periods. We believe that each employee’s opinion and critical effort – irrespective of weekday and season – is vital. That is why we believe in ‘give and take’. The more each person ‘gives,’ the greater the opportunity becomes to ‘receive.’
ICEpower wants to make an extra effort to accommodate each employee. All employees may run into problems that are work-related and/or personal. At ICEpower, we go to great lengths in our attempts to support an employee who has been unlucky or is facing major challenges. We strive to be responsive.
Freedom with responsibility
ICEpower trusts its employees – and everyone works according to ‘freedom with responsibility’. Some employees have very stationary jobs while others sometimes travel a great deal. Irrespective of this, it is important to take ‘your personality to work’.
We are all different and have different interests and different preferences. An interesting and stimulating workplace is not one where employees are given guidelines and policies – but one which accommodates each employee’s personality both ‘at home’ in Copenhagen and in our marketplaces. What seems natural to some people may seem strange to others.
At ICEpower, we want to focus on what creates value. We prioritize generating results above all else – and results are best achieved within a roomy framework and freedom with responsibility.
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And this…
We view ICEpower as a ‘young’ company on its way. Although ICEpower may have many years of experience, we re- and kick-started ICEpower in mid-2016.
In addition to creating a successful company in the audio industry, including all the associated financial targets, we aim to create an ‘awesome’ and ‘cool’ culture. We are lucky enough to work with sound. What is sound? Sound is music. What is music? Music is entertainment. Does it get any cooler than that?
By enjoying the use of our products, we find ourselves at the world’s most famous stadiums and concert halls, while at the same time playing in the falling snow at winter sports establishments, the local fitness club, the train station, or the favorite pub around the corner.
This view on ICEpower, we believe, results in excellent returns and generates even better products for our customers.
Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Whether you have questions about solutions, careers, or if you are interested in talking to our solutions experts, just fill out the form and we’ll get back to you.
Get in Touch with ICEpower
ICEpower HQ
ICEpower a/s
Vandtårnsvej 62A, 3B
DK-2860 Søborg
Tel. (+45) 31 71 00 01
Sales Europe, Middle East & Africa
Anders Laybourn
ICEpower a/s
Vandtårnsvej 62A, 3B
DK-2860 Søborg
Tel. (+45) 20 14 94 10
Sales America
Paul Meister
ICEpower America Inc
New Jersey
Tel. +1 847 909 0093
Sales Asia Pacific
Masao Ogomori
ICEpower Japan
Takasaki-shi, Gunma, Japan
Tel. +81 80 3396 9208